Internet of the Mind
Internet of the Mind Podcast
Internet of the Mind Podcast 1

Internet of the Mind Podcast 1

Pilot: Episode #1

Welcome to the internet of the Mind podcast! Thanks for joining us.

The internet of the mind is about the role our subconscious mind plays in constructing the world in ways that best suit our internal functioning and how we can change our internal functioning at the biological level in order to improve our external functioning, bringing more Serenity and success into our lives.

The internet of the Mind podcast is a new way for me to deliver information and tools in a way that is easily consumable by our clients and website visitors.

We all know how much the smartphone has changed the world. Some of us like to sit at a laptop or desktop computer While others use only their cell phones these days. And with our busy lives it's not difficult to see why that is! So this is one reason we are doing the podcasting. We will continue all the other ways we deliver our information and tools including the internet of the mind blog, the serenity cafe academy, The Oasis at serenity Cafe, and our primary website Serenity Creations

After 10 years as a therapist, in 2002 I went into private practice. That was 20 years ago! So this is our 20th anniversary on the internet.

 I initially put that first website up in order to provide tools and resources for my clients to use in between sessions. Some of you have been with me the entire time! I want to thank you for your support and for making use of my resources. We hope they're helpful! To those of you who are new here welcome feel free to contact us anytime you have comments questions or feedback.

Now one more bit of exciting news that we are happy to be celebrating! 10 years ago I published the first book in my find the iceberg series - so, we are celebrating two milestone anniversaries in the same year!

Thaw freedom from Frozen feelings is now 10 years old and I am ten years wiser! As part of the celebration I intend to give Thaw a complete makeover! I will be releasing the second edition sometime this year by the grace of God. I've learned a lot in the past 10 years and much of it is going to be included on this substack and podcast.

Having said all that let's get on with today's episode…

Subconscious Mind and the Networks of Change

Neural networks are the actual biological location of change. Change does not take place without re-configuring existing neural connections or creating entirely new connections. The Internet-of-the-Mind is a metaphor for the “software” of our brain – neural networks…embedded in networks…embedded in networks… and so on. Just as software programs on a computer can be upgraded, so too can these internal networks of the subconscious mind.

As you explore these posts, podcasts, and videos you will learn how at the core of almost every human success or problem lies the neural networks of our subconscious mind. Armed with this information you can make lasting changes in any and every area of your life. Perhaps the information here will also demystify and explain why the so-called “Law of Attraction” works so well. The secret is in the power of the subconscious mind.

The Big Picture

One look at our external world demonstrates how the subconscious mind has reflected itself in our surroundings and the systems in which we operate. For example, have you ever noticed these external networks…embedded in networks…embedded in networks… and so on. 

  • We grow up in a network called family

  • Our family exists in a network called a neighborhood

  • Our neighborhood exists in a network called community

  • Our communities exist in networks called counties

  • Our counties exist in networks called states/provinces

  • Our states/provinces exist in a network called country

  • Our Countries exists a global network called the world

  • Our world exists in a network of planets called our solar system

  • Our solar system exists in a network of solar systems called galaxy

  • Our galaxy exists in a network of galaxies called the Universe

Even more examples of networks embedded in our lives…

  • We are connected to various networks of people we call friends, classmates, coworkers, colleagues, organizations, etc.

  • We do Business with networks of customers, subscribers, and vendors.

  • We communicate through networks of telephones and the Internet – a network of websites each consisting of networks of web pages, email lists, newsletters – and let’s not forget the network we call the “grapevine”.

  • Corporations are merging into networks called conglomerates.

  • Companies cannot operate without networks called departments which cannot operate without a network of employees.

  • Energy is distributed through networks called power grids.

  • We travel on networks of highways and through networks of airports.

  • And none of these external networks can be changed without internal adjustments being made in someone’s neural networks – often called thinking “outside the box”.

Networks of the Subconscious Mind

That’s not all — Even the synapses of our neural networks consist of networks of neurochemicals…each consisting of a network of molecules… each consisting of a network of atoms…each consisting of a network of protons and electrons revolving around a nucleus.

It appears to me that God constructed life itself in an incredibly intricate network of biological, psychological, social, and environmental networks…embedded in networks…embedded in networks.

Internet-of-the-mind is a network of resources… tips, tools, and information about the neural networks of the subconscious mind, personal growth, health, healing and happiness. It’s a place you can come to find specific information, help, and self-help materials focused on your topic of interest.

Thanks for Listening to Internet of the Mind Podcast! Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support my work.

[This post was first published on the Internet of the Mind Blog at]

Discussion about this podcast

Internet of the Mind
Internet of the Mind Podcast
The Internet-of-the-Mind Podcast is about the role of our subconscious mind plays in constructing our world to suit our internal functioning and how YOU can make biological changes to your neural circuitry, at the biological level, in order to bring more serenity and success to your life. The Internet of the Mind offers tools to strengthen mental and emotional resilience for living at such a time as this.