Post Acute withdrawal syndrome is a set of symptoms that occur after the acute withdrawal from the addiction of choice.
Acute withdrawal has to do with the physiological or physical reactions that can occur when a person stops acting out their addiction. For example, a person in the late stages of alcoholism might begin to experience withdrawal symptoms such as irritability, restlessness sweaty, high blood pressure, and even seizures in the worst cases. These physical symptoms are a reaction to the absence of alcohol in this case. It takes an average of three to five days to break the physical dependence on alcohol. Post Acute withdrawal syndrome as a result of a psychological dependence on addiction. There are six major symptoms of Post Acute Withdrawal…
Memory problems
Difficulty with Concentration & Focus
Stress Sensitivity (Even little things can trigger urges to use)
Physical Coordination Problems (Bumping into things, accident-prone)
Sleep Disturbances (Drinking/Using dreams, insomnia, etc.)
Emotional Over-Reaction or Numbness (aka Emotional Circuit-breaker)
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Episode 13: Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome