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Healing Emotional Wounds & Infection of Shame

Thawing Childhood Abandonment Issues in three formats

Thawing Childhood Abandonment Issues mimics the developmental processes of childhood. The emotional pain that accumulated during the first stage of development was carried forward as a foundation for the second stage. The combined pain from the first and second stages forms a foundation for the experience of the third stage, etc.

Similarly, healing that accumulates as you work through the first stage forms a foundation for healing the second stage, and so forth. There is a strong focus on experiencing, integrating, and releasing the emotions of the past. For this reason, the program relies heavily on its more than 60 experiential audio programs to facilitate the emotional component of that healing process. Healing the first six of eight life stages makes it possible for the seventh and eighth stages to be the best of them all!

Take My Emotional Wounds Quiz

  • STOP Re-Experiencing Painful Emotional Themes and Dysfunctional Relationship Patterns.

  • START Identifying and Healing Your Emotional Triggers.

  • STOP Doing Your Pain in Advance. (9 times out of 10 it's Unnecessary Pain)

  • START Letting Go of Worries, Anxieties, Insecurities, and Fears (WAIFs).

  • STOP Sabotaging Yourself with Short-Term Fixes, such as False Refuges like Alcohol, Drugs, Chocolate Cake, etc.

  • START Achieving Your Goals and Dreams.

  • STOP Feeling like an Imposter. Take Off the Mask of an Invented Self.

  • START being Authentic and Share Who You REALLY are with Others ~ Your True Self.

  • STOP the Cycles of Depression, Anxiety, Addiction, and Compulsion.

  • START Healing the Emotional Wounds of Abandonment and Generating Cycles of Success!

  • STOP the Inner Criticism and Infection of Shame.

  • START Practicing Self-Compassion and Self-Leadership.

  • STOP Protecting Yourself with a Scab of Contempt for Self and/or Others.

  • START Practicing Assertiveness and Healthy Boundaries.

  • STOP People-Pleasing and Approval Seeking.

  • START to Uncover, Discover, Recover, and Share Who You Really Are ~ Your True Self.

Get the Paperback on Amazon Today

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Internet of the Mind
Don's Books
2021-22 is the 10-year Anniversary of Don Carter's Thawing the Iceberg Series. The series includes: "Thaw-Freedom from Frozen Feelings", "Thawing Childhood Abandonment Issues", "Thawing Adult-Child Syndrome", "Thawing Toxic Relationships", and "Thawing Addiction"
Don Carter MSW, LCSW