Thawing Adult/Child Syndrome and other Codependent Patterns is one of the four-part Thawing the Iceberg Series by Don Carter, MSW, LCSW. All of the books in the series are written to stand on their own as a complete program. The Thawing the Iceberg Series is a set of programs designed to assist in the healing of the emotional wounds outlined in the author’s original work, Thaw – Freedom from Frozen Feelings.
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I'm about a quarter of the way into the book and already with the first two exercises I've gained great insight into myself. I can see where this is going in a lot of aspects and am unsure what the next step is at the same time I know it's a step forward.
Thawing Adult/Child Syndrome is geared toward surfacing the underlying patterns of behavior and limiting beliefs that keep us stuck in alcoholism, codependency, unproductive relationships, the original wounds of abandonment, shame, and contempt, and how our subconscious mind adapted to the unique circumstances of our childhood by creating survival skills that now interfere with healthy coping.
Anyone who has ever found themselves repeating dysfunctional patterns that have caused problems in their lives and relationships, and then wonder "Why do I do that?" or "Why am I like this?" is likely to experiencing habitual subconscious programming that has been referred to as Adult-Child Syndrome.
Thawing Adult-Child Syndrome and other Codependent Patterns focuses in on the "here-and-now" symptoms of dysfunction in our adult life and relationships. This insight-oriented program helps bring one's "Inner Family of Self" & "Life Script" to the surface so that appropriate changes can be made. The program helps heal the relationship with self, which is based upon the idea that "One cannot have a healthy relationship with others until they first develop a healthy relationship with themselves."
Thawing Adult/Child Syndrome - Sample of Contents
• Workbook Introduction An Overview of Program Contents
• The Wound of Abandonment - Exploring the original Abandonment & Shame of Childhood
• The Scab of Contempt - Characteristics and Functions of Internalizing & Externalizing Contempt
• Introducing the Wounded Inner Children - The Wounding of the Child-Created Ego-States
• The Five Drivers & the Safety Net - Feeling "Ok" by Obeying Inner drivers to "Be perfect," "Be strong," "Please others," "Hurry up," and/or "Try hard"
• "Scripty Feelings" & The Ok Corral - Exploring the Emotional Cycles of Abandonment, Shame, & Contempt
• Compound Decisions & Contamination - Compound Decision Worksheet & Contamination of the Adult Ego-State
• Drivers & the Mini-Script Process - Summary of Drivers, Mini-Scripts & "Allowers"; Intro to Script Elements
• A Framework for Adult/Child Recovery - Guidelines and requirements of recovery from Adult-Child Syndrome
• Hero's Journey & the Figure-8 Journaling Process
Also Available as an Online Course @ Serenity Cafe Academy
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