My purpose, inspiration, and qualifications for writing Internet of the Mind is to provide information and training to cope with trauma, protect ourselves from it, and heal emotional wounds
“This publication gives me a place to take a stand and do my part to contribute in this historic, pivotal time in our history.” ~ Don Carter
In 1990 I was a graduate clinical social work student at the University of Missouri - Columbia pursuing a Master’s degree in clinical social work. For my Internship, I was assigned to the Intake and diagnostic unit at one of the busiest state hospitals in Missouri.
I was literally on the front lines where I saw every chronically mentally ill patient that came into that facility. I sat in on a multidisciplinary treatment team made up of psychiatry, psychology, clinical social work, recreation therapy, occupational therapy, nursing staff, nutritionists, clergy, and medical doctors.
I saw some pretty incredible things while there. Our duties included staffing every case after each discipline had time to complete an evaluation. The treatment team’s “staffing” included an interview with the patient after a lengthy discussion by the team contrasting and comparing their findings.
Needless to say, I was immersed in a world of severe mental illness. It was during the era of de-institutionalization when states were “saving money” (Yeah right!) by cutting costs in the mental health delivery system. That created a revolving door for severely mentally ill patients. It was like being thrown into the deep end of the pool, not knowing how to swim.
There was a multitude of imprint experiences during that internship. But 35 years later, the most lasting imprint of the whole experience was a two-day workshop I attended. It was on Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD), now called Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID).
Up until then, the closest I came to multiple personalities was watching movies like Sybil and The Seven Faces of Eve. I was expecting to hear a lot about those types of case studies. But what I heard instead change my life. I still have pages and pages of notes I wrote from that experience.
My Initiation to the Field of Mental Health
The people that delivered the workshop were there to teach clinicians on staff about Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) and traditional satanic cults. It was their premise that the majority of multiple personality disorder cases in state hospitals all across the country are a direct result of SRA. Among other things, they shared that religiosity and paranoid delusions involving Jesus Christ are hallmark symptoms of SRA.
They educated us about The Lost Child Network and all the information they had on occult activity involving tens of thousands of missing children in our country every year. In fact, Missouri, where I live, was considered number three in occult activity in the USA at that time. The Kansas City Police Department had a special unit to investigate occult crimes and they were a major part of the Lost Child Network. (Neither one of them exist anymore.)
It was at this workshop that I heard for the very first time the horrible things that were being done to children by these traditional satanic cults. I have had three separate clients who were victims of SRA during the first 10 years of my career. It is real, and it has been going on for a very long time.
But I'm not writing this publication to get into all that because the internet is awash with it now. I can add my voice to the multitude of others, based on more than 30 years of experience, that much of what's out there is true and authentic. (I’ve actually been consulting on a case for the past 6 months.) Other things are disinformation or misinformation. I truly believe we are in a war between good and evil. We have been for a very long time. I tell you all of this to share my experience and qualifications to speak with some authority on trauma at all levels.
My Purpose for Internet of the Mind
It is not my purpose to try to convince anyone of the evils and nefarious agenda of those who control the levers of power in the world. But I do want to acknowledge, judging by my past experience and the state of the world today, that such an agenda does indeed exist and whoever is behind it has made significant progress during the past few decades. It is obvious to me, based on my training and experience with trauma, that they are using trauma and survival instinct to further their agenda.
These are traumatic times in which we live. We are ALL affected in one way or another. With this Substack, it is my intention to provide a roadmap of presentations to increase the readers awareness, and most importantly, strengthen their mental and emotional resilience against trauma and tumultuous events. Whether we agree on everything, or not so much, everyone is welcome (except trolls!)
My purpose here is to focus on the full continuum of trauma outcomes, from mild to moderate, to severe. These are traumatic times in which we live. We are all affected in one way or another. Furthermore, in my opinion, the intentional use of trauma by social engineers to control the masses has become the norm. We need to learn how to cope with trauma, protect ourselves from it, then identify and heal any unresolved emotional wounds.
doing these things will have the direct effect of increasing our mental and emotional resilience against further emotional wounds. Primary examples of this are the studies that indicate soldiers with trauma in their childhood are much more likely to experience PTSD than those who were raised in well-adjusted, intact homes. Here is an example of such a study from 2012.
“…soldiers who developed PTSD were much more likely (compared to resilient soldiers) to have suffered emotional problems and traumatic events prior to deployment. In fact, it wasn’t traumatic war experiences that predicted the onset of PTSD, but rather childhood experiences of violence, especially punishment severe enough to cause bruises, cuts, burns, and broken bones. PTSD sufferers were also more likely to have witnessed family violence, and to have experienced physical attacks, stalking or death threats by a spouse. They were also more likely to have past experiences that they could not, or would not, talk about.”
A relatively new diagnosis is Complex PTSD (C-PTSD). This condition comes from growing up in situations that are less-than-nurturing, usually to the level of abuse. Trauma comes from things that happened TO US (e.g. a tornado, physical abuse, etc.). Attachment wounds are from things that did NOT happen FOR US (unmet developmental dependency needs). Both trauma and attachment wounds cause emotional injuries.
Ongoing abuse (trauma) and unmet dependency needs (attachment wounds) create a constant need for children to live in survival mode. This initiates the instinctive fight or flight response. As outlined below in the video, survival responses are now known to include two more categories in addition to Fight and Flight; they are called Freeze and Fawn (aka, Submit).
Social Engineering with Intensity & Repetition
Hypnotic, mockingbird programming is grounded in the use of fear and shame. Social engineers use these two feeling states to invoke the Survival Instinct. When that happens, there are one of four primary stress responses: They are fight, flight, freeze, and fawn.
FAWN RESPONSE: People who tend to fawn will submit to the perceived Authority. They are the good boys and the good girls. They are the approval-seekers and are all about impression management.
FREEZE RESPONSE: Those who tend to freeze are grounded in the fear response with anxiety, phobias, and panic attacks. They tend to get stuck and are fearful of being found out. These are the people who stick their heads in the sand and hope it all goes away.
FLIGHT RESPONSE: Then there are the people who tend toward flight in the face of threat. In “flight mode”, they can detach from their feelings or distract themselves with work or some addictive behavior, anything to escape the present perceived reality.
FIGHT RESPONSE: And then there are the fighters. These are the Rebels, the independent thinkers, they don't like to be told what to do, their reaction to fear and shaming us to fight the aggressor. There are two ways to do that. One is a controlled emotional, dig-the-heals in response. And the other one is the “No Holds Barred” response, which can turn to violence.
Caveats for Survival Instinct
There are several caveats to the above descriptions of our responses to threats listed below. We will go into detail with each one and more in the series that follows this overview.
We are all capable of and skillful in the use of all four responses.
Context typically determines which response gets triggered.
In some contexts, these are normal, and even helpful responses.
In most contexts, these are abnormal, and even unhelpful responses.
It's easy to see why the social engineers use tools such as the Mockingbird media to steadily invoke fear and shame. This hypes up the stress response. Then they can use intensity and repetition to install the programming. Do you remember where you were on 9-11-2001? That was INTENSE, and then they showed it over and over again (REPETITION) on the TELL-A-VISION. Here is an article I wrote in 2007 regarding the role of intensity and repetition in Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
Controlling people love those who fawn in the face of threat, those who freeze and stick their head in the sand, and they don't even care about those who go into flight mode (aka escape into an addictive or distracting behavior), because none of them are any threat to them.
It’s the fighters they hate of course. I would venture to say most of the people reading this right now fall in the latter category! In this case, when fear does not work, they will attempt to control with a campaign of shame and humiliation. I call them drive-by shame attacks. They will lob “shame grenades” in the form of insults or doxing you on social media.
When shame doesn’t work they will use intimidation and even death threats to trigger you into one of the other survival responses (Flight, Freeze, or Fawn)
A Continuum of Emotional Wounds
Wounded people, wound people. But I am not into throwing parents under the bus… Our parents were wounded by their parents, who were wounded by their parents, and so on. Parents cannot demonstrate much more than they have been given. Most parents are on a crusade to make sure their kids have it better than they did.
We live in a broken world where wounded people, wound people. But I am not into throwing parents under the bus, most of the time. Typically, our parents were wounded by their parents, who were wounded by their parents, and so on. Most parents are on a crusade to make sure their kids have it better than they did. They even say such things, "My kids are going to have it better than I did!" But parents can't demonstrate much more than they've been given, not usually without help.
Most of us do not get out of childhood unscathed. We only get one childhood and have little to compare it to, so it may seem normal even if something was missing. If we look closely and realize this is not an indictment against your parents you might find that you fall somewhere on a continuum from mild to severe.
At one end of the continuum is mild to moderate trauma or attachment wounds that come from growing up in a less-than-nurturing family (I don't like the words 'dysfunctional family' even though it is accurate) 'dysfunctional family' is much too black and white for me. No family dysfunctions all the time, no family functions perfectly all the time.
The other end of the Continuum is moderate-to-severe trauma. Here it gets a little more difficult to let parents off the hook. Such as cases in the severe end of the continuum with ongoing physical, sexual, and emotional abuse. These parents are usually severely wounded themselves, out of control, have severe drug or alcohol addictions, and probably shouldn't even be around children, much less in charge of raising them.
Children in Abusive Homes are POWs
I think of kids who are in moderate-to-severely abusive or neglectful homes as prisoners of war (POWs). Frequently, they cannot outwardly fight back (not usually until puberty) and they cannot overtly take flight. Incidentally, running away at 12 years or older is a flag for physical or sexual abuse in the home.
So children under 10 years old are POWs who have no physical or emotional power and cannot outwardly fight or flight. But they can inwardly, subconsciously develop survival skills for their unique situation. They may develop psychological and physical ways to protect themselves. Bedwetting, soiling themselves, and putting on weight are ways they fight back by keeping people away. Video games, comic books, and fantasy are methods of flight. But the most obvious methods are the fawning and freeze responses.
The problem with those covert psychological survival skills is that they become habitual and involuntarily get triggered in our adult lives and relationships. We may not even know why. We will talk more about these reactive parts-of-self in the Life Scripts and Parts Matrix Model.
Final Thoughts on SRA
Satanic Ritual Abuse victims usually do not come from families at all, unless they're kidnapped, or deceptively recruited. In traditional cults, most of them are born to women who the cult refers to as breeders. They are seen and treated more as livestock than children. Others are wounded runaways who were kidnapped off the street or sucked in through a deceptive recruitment process.
I intend to add a section to this Substack or write another one devoted exclusively to the topic of recovery from SRA after censorship dies down. One more thing I'll say about it, for now, is that they have a strategic reason for the ongoing horrible abuse of children under the age of 6 years old. They actually have a goal to fragment their personality so they can program them with trauma, drugs, hypnosis, and various mind control techniques during the imprint period of development. Ongoing ritual abuse delivered during these developmental stages lays the foundation for the layers upon layers of programming to come.
I don’t want to go into much more detail here about SRA as it would be traumatizing to most people. Even only in written text format, SRA is so horrible that you would not be able to get those images out of your mind's eye. As they say, you would not be able to unsee or unhear any of the unspeakable things they do to children. Besides watching children being abused in videos or otherwise is against the law for several reasons, including that it fosters more child abuse because it increases the “demand” for it.
Finally, I did my comprehensive final exam in grad school on the phenomena of traditional satanic cults and SRA. When I presented my material to fellow classmates at the University of Missouri in 1990, there were two Satanists in the auditorium heckling me at the beginning of the speech. At that time, the crowd would not tolerate it. They forced the two to be quiet or leave the auditorium. As many of you reading this know, things are much different today. I will just leave that there for now.
Here is a table of presentations for the Internet of the Mind Substack. When the links are live the post has been published. Subscribe below to receive a notice in your email inbox as each new post is released. If you are already subscribed, it is because you subscribed to my previous newsletters. You may unsubscribe at any time.
I would appreciate your presentations much more if you made videos along w/ your
illustrations. I am a visual learner & I know there are so many others that are
visual learners as well. A Survivor, Donna